Are We Social Media Influencers??
The short and sweet answer to that question in the title is NO...we are NOT social media influencers. In fact, we are much different than...

The 2019 Hot List
We are already one month in to the new year and we here at H&K are already seeing some travel trends emerge. The travel publication...

Honeymoon Review Part 2...The Cruise
Hopefully by now you have had a chance to read part 1 of this review. Barcelona was a great port to embark from and our time there really...

The Honeymoon Review Part 1
Well...the honeymoon could be summed up (but it won't) by saying, it surpassed even the highest of expectations. Needless to say...

Cruising 101 Part 2...Where?
In last month's post, we addressed that we really need to consider how long of a vacation you can take before we start to delve into a...