The Airfare Buying Myth
As holiday travel is at its peak and as so many are already planning their vacations for next year, I think it's time we address the age...

Cruise 101 Part 5...The REAL Cost of a Cruise
We have covered cruise lines, cruise itineraries, stateroom options and even how to get the whole process of cruise planning started. ...

Honeymoon Review Part 2...The Cruise
Hopefully by now you have had a chance to read part 1 of this review. Barcelona was a great port to embark from and our time there really...

The Honeymoon Review Part 1
Well...the honeymoon could be summed up (but it won't) by saying, it surpassed even the highest of expectations. Needless to say...

Cruising 101 Part 2...Where?
In last month's post, we addressed that we really need to consider how long of a vacation you can take before we start to delve into a...

The Babymoon
Most everyone has heard of and knows the term babymoon these days. It's become almost as popular as the honeymoon in a couple's journey...

Found My Pot of Gold
Well, I have finally found my pot of gold and it was not at the end of the rainbow. It was actually at the end of a short flight from...

When To Buy Your Airfare
This article may NOT contain the answer you are looking for, but I do hope it clears up some of the confusion and misinformation that is flo

All Inclusive vs European Plan
The all inclusive fad is in full swing. So much so that we get a lot of requests for all inclusive resorts for destinations here in the U.S.

Your Advocate...The Travel Agent
We get a lot of clients who come to us for help in planning their vacations because they don't have time to do it themselves or they nee