Where Can US Travelers Travel To?
That is the big question these days. Clients want to know what is open and what is not when it comes to traveling outside the US. Short...

The Return of Travel: Is it too little too late?
Travelers are starting to return to the roads and in the the air. Airlines are reporting large increases in seats being sold on flights....

Do You Know What You Are Renting?
Online vacation planning sites have inundated the internet over the past 10+ years. And a very popular online segment of the travel...

Nashville...as a Tourist
Maybe a lot of you reading this had no idea that I once called Nashville (the area south of Nashville) home for a combined 15 years. It...

The 2019 Hot List
We are already one month in to the new year and we here at H&K are already seeing some travel trends emerge. The travel publication...

Are Travel Professionals Irrelevant?
Well...are we?? That is a question so many bloggers and journalist seem to want to focus on and have been focused on for the past few...

The Babymoon
Most everyone has heard of and knows the term babymoon these days. It's become almost as popular as the honeymoon in a couple's journey...

Travel Trends for 2016
A new year is upon us. New years bring new beginnings and new opportunities. Maybe you are one of those persons that like the newness of the