We are not a computer program
I know right? It should seem pretty obvious that we are NOT some computer program or impersonal website. We post pics of ourselves on...

To Upgrade or Not Upgrade
If there is one thing blogs, bloggers and the internet have taught us is that everyone has an opinion these days. Nothing wrong with...

Nashville...as a Tourist
Maybe a lot of you reading this had no idea that I once called Nashville (the area south of Nashville) home for a combined 15 years. It...

The Honeymoon Review Part 1
Well...the honeymoon could be summed up (but it won't) by saying, it surpassed even the highest of expectations. Needless to say...
Cruising 101...Part 4
Welcome back to our 4th installment in our "Cruising 101" series. Today we tackle the question, "Which stateroom should I choose?" With...

Cruising 101---Getting Started
Cruising is continuing to be one of the more popular vacation options across all spectrums of demographics. It does not matter if you...
How Do We Say No?
Sometimes saying no to a potential new client is the absolute hardest thing to do. but sometimes it is for sure the best and smartest...

Are Travel Professionals Irrelevant?
Well...are we?? That is a question so many bloggers and journalist seem to want to focus on and have been focused on for the past few...

The Non-Vacation Vacation
Your ultimate guide on how to plan your non-vacation vacation.